As temperatures fluctuate, our chimneys expand and contract. This may lead to gaps, cracks, and crumbling mortar between bricks or stones. Any compromise to your chimney can be an open door–potentially letting in moisture, chilly drafts, and toxic flue gasses.
Masonry Repair & Maintenance
Since materials used to construct a masonry chimney are porous, they can absorb large amounts of moisture. So even if you see no mortar damage now, it does not necessarily mean that there’s no risk of future moisture damage. In climates such as ours, many professionals recommend waterproofing the chimney. The materials used to coat the outside of the chimney allow the chimney to breathe while simultaneously preventing water infiltration. This process can only be done on a cleaned, healthy surfaces. So if you have any masonry damages, they need to be addressed before waterproofing.
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Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA)